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Autonomous Plane

Flight firmware Repo

The Plane

To be abundantly clear I only made a slight tweak to the firmware, as well as adding the ability to import custom GEO data to the mission planner, but one PR is enough to make me a contributor! This was never intended to be a grand project, but just to get some experience in iNav and autonomous planes for my next project. After a couple early flights it became clear that when flying at high altitudes manually or even autonomously following a set GPS ground speed, stalls would sometimes occur very suddenly, be it from poor piloting with the flight controller masking the early signs, or from windshear. The flying wing design of this plane made the stall characteristics especially bad and would usually result in unrecoverable flat spins. For this, a pitot tube was fitted to get airspeed data and provide visual alarms when the speed dips too low. In addition to learning about single wing airfoil stability (unwillingly), I also ended up tracing practically the entire codebase to diagnose a fault with the pitot tube airspeed data.

Example flight